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    4 Signs That Lets You Know You Have Stress Related Back And Neck Pain

    •  Muscles tender points
    •  Soreness, stiffness, spasm
    •  Diffuse muscles aches
    •  Sleep disturbance and fatigue
    •  Headaches and migraine
      Tips: * Do your best to keep your neck pain under control. Do not push yourself or do anything that will aggravate it. * To relieve stress, take a warm bath, warm a hot bath with lavender, or relax with a massage. When you sit try to sit up straight with your chest out and chin tucked in, shoulders squared this will help to alleviate pain in your neck and upper back. You can also use a posture corrector to help stabilize your shoulder girdle. Dynamic posture brace are always recommended since they do not shut off the muscles but keep them active. Elastic posture braces shuts off the muscles which could make your muscles more weaken.